From the Pages of the Past

I have always been fascinated by the history and beauty of antiques. Growing up, I loved spending time learning about my father's antique collections, and exploring the old books, furniture, coins, and other artifacts he had collected over the years. One of our favorite pastimes was bottle digging, and I would imagine the lives of the people who had once owned the objects we dug up, and wonder what their stories were.

In my twenties, I began selling some of my father's antiques on eBay. I loved the ephemera (especially Victorian Trade Cards!) and old books; it boggled my mind how well preserved these relics of the past were! A little over a decade later, I decided to open my own online antique bookstore. I wanted to rescue books that would otherwise be thrown away, and match them with new owners who would appreciates the stories that went beyond what was written on their pages.

I love being able to share my passion for antique books with others. When you visit my online store, I hope you get the sense of the love and care that goes into each volume. I love researching the history of books, whether it's the edition, the publisher, or something I've uncovered about a previous owner. I also enjoy the challenge of finding antique books! I spend a lot of time scouring estate sales, auctions, and other sources for unique antique books. I am always on the lookout for something that I know my customers will love!

Please drop me a line at, I would love to hear from you!
